Teaching Your Child How To Spell: Six Strategies to Success

To the vast majority of adults, spelling is an almost subconscious task that is performed with relative ease each and every day of our lives. But if I was to ask you to teach a child how to spell, where would you begin? Would you know how to guide them through the process without much difficulty? Would you know what activities to use? How would you decide what to do and when?  Do you see what I’m getting at? It’s much harder to teach a child to spell than you’d think! While a slap-dash, haphazard approach may have some success, … Read more

How To Get Your Child Excited About Reading: 10 Steps to Success

If you’ve found your way to this article, it’s probably because your child isn’t as enthused about reading as you’d hope – or they flat out refuse to read.  If so, the first thing we must say is not to worry. Not every child falls in loves with books and reading, and some will need a little more coaxing and persuasion than others to read for pleasure and enjoyable rather than out of necessity.  If you’d like to encourage your child to read and get them excited about reading, it’s often difficult to know where to begin. I’m sure numerous … Read more

Fun Ways To Practice Spelling Words at Home

If your child shies away from spelling homework or even point-blank refuses to do it, it’s clear they’re not exactly enamoured by the prospect spelling and learning to spell! While it can be worrying to see your child struggling with a certain aspect of learning, in reality, it’s completely normal. Take yourself back to your schooling days. Did you love all lessons? Were you always excited and keen to do your homework when you got home from school? Probably not! All children have preferences where learning is concerned; some like spelling, some don’t. If your child is the in the … Read more

How To Make a Child Remember Spellings: A Complete Guide

Does your child’s heart sink ever time their weekly spelling test comes around? Do they put off spelling practise and homework or even refuse to do it? If so, don’t worry.  While it’s clear that your child may not be the biggest fan of spelling, there are several activities you can introduce at home to make spelling that little bit easier for your little one. In today’s piece, we’re going to look at eight different exercises you can use to help your child remember spellings. Eight Activities to Make Words Easier To Spell and Remember #1 – Highlight The Difficult … Read more

Is Your Child Struggling With Spelling? Here’s How To Help

Children who lag behind their peers, who forget words relatively easily, or who confuse and mix up letters when spelling, are children who require a little extra special attention at home to assist them in overcoming the learning issues they’re facing. The question is, what are the most effective ways to teach a struggling child how to spell without making it seem like they’re partaking in extra school lessons? Well, the aim should be to always make the activities as enjoyable as possible. Rather than making your child feel like they’re back in the classroom, try to make it feel … Read more

How To Teach Toddlers To Say Their Name (And Talk): Everything You Need To Know

From the moment they’re born, your baby will make lots of different sounds – cooing, gurgling, grunting, giggling, and of course, crying. And, by around the age of 9 to 12 months, your little one typically will speak their very first word.  Whether that first word is a common one, such as “dada”, “mama”, or something else a little more exotic, this is a memorable milestone and certainly an exciting time for you and your family. However, as your child starts to get older, you might ponder how their language skills compare to their peers. This is entirely natural and … Read more

Teaching Your Child To Write Their Name: The Complete Guide

There is absolutely no question that when a child learns to write his or her own name is a huge milestone in early development. Not only is it the very first step on the long journey that is learning write, but it also instils a sense of achievement in both child and parents; not to mention putting an end to confusing mix-ups at nursery or school as to whose work is whose!  The question is, where do you start if you want to teach your little one how to write their name?  Well, in today’s post, we shall explore this … Read more

Speech Delay in Toddlers: Games and Activities To Boost Language Development

If you’ve made your way to this article, it’s likely that you’re concerned about your toddler’s lack of verbal communication, so let me begin by saying that worrying about this is completely normal and natural, and is something that many parents experience. It’s important to understand that speech delay in toddlers doesn’t automatically mean they have some form of learning disability or hearing impairment; in fact, they may just be a late bloomer. Children develop at different rates, and even though it’s easy to assume the worse if your toddler appears to be some way behind their peers, it’s best … Read more

‘Why is My Child So Bad At Spelling?’ – Everything You Need To Know (and how to help them)

Learning to spell can be a source of frustration for children who are in the early stages of learning to read and write. While it is true that children develop at different rates and that some early learners may take some time to acclimatise to reading, writing, and spelling, if their difficulties persist beyond their initial few years of school, it’s possible that a language-based learning difference could be the reason for their slow progress. Research suggests that one in ten people have some form of dyslexia, which can impact spelling ability.  Dyslexia children may have the ability to spell … Read more

Learning and Development: Why is Spelling So Important?

Spelling and the written word are often taken for granted – particularly by adults. This is no surprise given that these core elements of learning and development happened in our formative years, which can often seem like a lifetime ago. However, where children are concerned, the process of learning to spell is of critical importance; therefore, understanding how and why we learn to spell – and how crucial it is – is essential for their development. And, given that we play such a huge role in their early learning, it is vital to fully grasp the gravity of this concept … Read more