Speech Delay in Toddlers: Games and Activities To Boost Language Development

If you’ve made your way to this article, it’s likely that you’re concerned about your toddler’s lack of verbal communication, so let me begin by saying that worrying about this is completely normal and natural, and is something that many parents experience. It’s important to understand that speech delay in toddlers doesn’t automatically mean they have some form of learning disability or hearing impairment; in fact, they may just be a late bloomer. Children develop at different rates, and even though it’s easy to assume the worse if your toddler appears to be some way behind their peers, it’s best … Read more

‘Why is My Child So Bad At Spelling?’ – Everything You Need To Know (and how to help them)

Learning to spell can be a source of frustration for children who are in the early stages of learning to read and write. While it is true that children develop at different rates and that some early learners may take some time to acclimatise to reading, writing, and spelling, if their difficulties persist beyond their initial few years of school, it’s possible that a language-based learning difference could be the reason for their slow progress. Research suggests that one in ten people have some form of dyslexia, which can impact spelling ability.  Dyslexia children may have the ability to spell … Read more

Learning and Development: Why is Spelling So Important?

Spelling and the written word are often taken for granted – particularly by adults. This is no surprise given that these core elements of learning and development happened in our formative years, which can often seem like a lifetime ago. However, where children are concerned, the process of learning to spell is of critical importance; therefore, understanding how and why we learn to spell – and how crucial it is – is essential for their development. And, given that we play such a huge role in their early learning, it is vital to fully grasp the gravity of this concept … Read more

Explaining the Value of Reading Stories at Bedtime: 10 Reasons Why They’re So Important

No matter how old your child is, reading together before bed is the perfect way to bring each day to a warm and comforting close. Although some may argue that reading bedtime stories isn’t as important as is often made out, we’ve written today’s piece to delve into this topic in a little more depth to explain the value of bedtime stories and why they’re so beneficial for both you and your child. 11 Reasons Why Bedtime Stories are So Important #1 – It’s The Perfect Time To Bond Regardless of your child’s age, reading a bedtime together allows them … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 11

Learning to read isn’t simply about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development, is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your eleven-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  Five Activities … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 10

Learning to read isn’t merely about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article, we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your ten-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  Five Activities … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 9

Learning to read isn’t merely about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article, we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your nine-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  Five Activities … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 8

Learning to read isn’t merely about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article, we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your eight-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  Six Activities … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 7

Learning to read isn’t merely about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article, we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your seven-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  12 Activities … Read more

Fun Activities To Boost Reading Skills, Literacy, and Development: Age 6

Learning to read isn’t merely about reading books. For a child to fully grasp and absorb all facets of learning – reading included – it is vital to develop their ever-growing, sponge-like brains using a vast array of activities, tasks, and games, designed to help their grey matter work more efficiently, and, therefore, more effectively. In short, boosting their overall development is the quickest way to boost reading skills. So, in today’s article, we’re going to furnish you with five fun activities you and your six-year-old can do together to get their highly-receptive neurons firing on all cylinders.  12 Activities … Read more